For the child in all of us, here are Bible stories the way you’ve always wanted them — with plenty of details, dialogue, and description. Veteran storyteller, Lauren E. Myers helps a new generation fall in love with Bible stories in today’s language that everyone can relate to, with High-Definition, picture-quality stories you’ll want to read again and again as they put you “at the scene of the action.” Perfect for middle-readers, homeschoolers, pastors, and those who lead children sermons, teen devotions, or adults study groups, who want a fresh way to look at and apply Bible Scriptures (study guides available). Lauren E. Myers has ministered with her husband of 31 years as they pastored in Jamaica, the Virgin Islands, and Florida; she also travels and speaks in India, Canada, Mexico, and the West Indies. “God Speaks My Language” is available exclusively through Spellbound Books and Gifts, 107 Krome Ave Homestead Florida, 33030, tel. (305)247-5097 or be emailing
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- brigada 2025/02/04
- Marti Wade 2025/02/04
- Editor 2025/02/04
- neal pirolo 2025/02/04
- Andrew D. 2025/02/04
- Gregory Fritz 2025/02/04
- Ken Mccrae 2025/02/04
- Lena 2025/01/28
- Editor 2025/01/22
The bookstore mentioned in this item appears to be some kind of new age store where they have astrology readings.If this bookstore is the exclusive seller of the item discussed, it is doubtful the item is a sound presentation of Biblical truth.
a search on the bookstore’s website came up with nothing — are you sure you gave the right link?