You can even watch a real-time, “live” ConstructionCam there. So here’s the deal: The building Brigada will be occupying will be used as a staging point to recruit, train, and send missionaries to unreached people groups around the world. It’ll provide a staging center for 40 mobilizers — recruiters, member care folks, new field launchers, writers, creative arts people, missionary logistics workers, and more, along with a place for training (that will seat 150 people), a place for prayer (big enough for a couple of hundred people to be on their knees) and an all-out prayer ministry. The challenge? It’s going to cost about $1 million to construct it. By God’s grace, we already have commitments or cash in hand for roughly $500,000 or so. Do you happen to know of someone who might commit to giving the final half a million dollars? (I know that sounds like a lot for many of us; but I’m hoping there’s at least one reader who is connected to someone who might possibly have come into some money from an inheritance, a business, or just a life lived in good stewardship. Perhaps there’s someone out there who would appreciate the opportunity of naming a building after his or her grandmother, father, or even a very special grandson or granddaughter. Or maybe there’s a businessman that would like to name the building after a particular business. Allow us to name the building permanently with the name of your business, forever connecting it to world outreach globally. In this way, every single week, plus constantly online, people from around the world would be reminded of your good works. What’s more, when people visited the property — whether they were missionary recruits, returning missionaries, or church members, they would hear the story and praise God because of your
name and your willingness to dream. And by making the check to Team Expansion, the entire $500K (or any fraction thereof) would be totally tax-deductible. What do you think? Even if you can’t personally do that, please feel free to contact us if you would introduce us to someone who could. Our goal is to move in by Christmas. We’d love to have cash and commitments finished by then. What do you think? Do you know of someone? If so, drop us a line at:
Thank you so much for dreaming with us!
Find pictures of the new building at:
then hover over the “Pictures” menu item in the top line menu. For example, choose 20080921, then hover with your mouse over the “auto-show Captions” icon to the right. As the slide-show progresses, there will be explanatory balloons for every slide. You can even click on a live “ConstructionCam” to watch the work live, day by day. Thank you for your prayers and brainstorming!
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