One of the most often requested “Back Page” editorial “reprints” is the collection we did in 2007, entitled, “Cool Tools for the Road”. In this issue of Brigada, we reprint that list exactly as it appeared in 2007, with the hopes that Brigada participants will help us *refresh* the list with up-to-date offerings, as needed. In addition, we didn’t have the “comment” feature in 2007, so we’re hoping that with our interactivity, the list will become even more valuable than it was before. What’s more, the list is being referenced in at least one book, designed especially for parents of missionaries. We’ll be sure to feature the book once it’s available. But for now, let’s refine this list as best we can, so it’ll be the most effective list ever of “cool tools for the road”!


[Update: You can now view these Cool Tools in one easy post by clicking to . From that page, it’s easy to print them or get the “big picture.”]