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That’s where you’ll see the list of monthly newsletters of the “point man” to which Patrick Johnstone, the former Editor in Chief, has handed the baton. Go Jason! We’re with you, brother! According to Patrick (in the note he sent Brigada this past week), he’s currently shooting for a Sept. 2009 publication date. Patrick also wrote, “Thank you for Brigada. I appreciate your efforts to modernise, but also appreciate the reversion to the older format as well. I prefer the quick e-scan with the ordinary, but have the freedom to dig deeper on items of more interest to me. I [also] appreciate your warm affirmation of the Joshua Project List PG tree! It has taken years to get to this stage where at last people are beginning to see the value of this approach!” Here at Brigada, we’re a big fan of everything Patrick does… so this encouragement means a lot, coming from him. Thanks for the boost, Patrick!