- DRAMA ANYONE? — Here are some of the world’s best collections of quality Christian drama materials. Ask for their catalogs!
* Baker’s Plays (http://www.bakersplays.com) Costs a small royalty fee to produce them. Includes plays and how-to books.
* Contemporary Drama Service (http://www.contemporaryd rama.com) Publishers of plays, interpretive movement, clowning, multi-media and also how-to books. They offer “play kits” which have scripts, director instructions and royalty fees all for one price.
* Creative Resource Group (http://www.churchideas.com) Newest & freshest scripts–plays divided by subject. Plays are real-to-life situations from two minutes to full-length. Also includes resources for doing creative arts in worship.
* Lillenas Publishing Company (http://www.lillenas.com) Extensive drama catalogue of those in this list. They handle books of plays, single plays and many are royalty-free. Includes some how-to books.
* LifeWay Christian Resources (http://www.lifeway.com) Books on dramas, monologues and other helpful resources in church drama. Their “National Drama Service” offers a quarterly book of scripts for all occasions. Convention Press also publishes, “The Complete Guide to Church Play Production.” It is considered “the book” for church drama directors–includes choosing a play to closing the production and striking the set.
* CrossPoint Scripts (http://www.crosspointscripts.com) Quarterly drama ministry newsletter with many good scripts for all occasions and fun four to six minutes on average. Each of the scripts has a director’s notes sidebar, along with musical suggestions to accompany the script during production.
(Source: Thanks to Mark, of newWway newsletter, for sharing these resources assembled by Tom Smoot, Western Recorder 11/12/02, p. 8.) - CHRISTIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE — Here’s a chance to hear Dr. Ray Bakke (Exec. Dir. of Urban International Associates) at the second annual Christian Economic Development Institute running from May 19-30, 2003, and sponsored by the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, USA (10 minutes from Chattanooga, TN). Learn to minister effectively among the poor urban areas. Apply now as space is limited. Learn more at http://www.chalmers.org , or e-mail <cedi@covenant.edu>, or call (706)419-1805. </cedi@covenant.edu>
- NEW “INTO ALL THE WORLD” MAGAZINE — The brand-new, 2003/4 Edition of Into All the World Magazine is now available. This issue has a special feature (80 pages out of the 132 page issue) on “Short-Term Missions Today.” (You can go to http://www.aboutmissions.com to see a complete editorial outline of the 28 important articles.)
Copies are available for just $2/copy for the first 20 copies ordered, and just $1/copy for all copies over twenty. Plus modest S&H charges. An invoice will be enclosed with your shipment. Request all the copies you can use. Send an e-mail to Bill Berry, Publisher, at <intomorecopies@aol.com>.
- SPIRITUAL LANDSCAPE IN IRAQ — Check out http://www.oprev.org/Iraq.htm . (An Acrobat Reader pdf file version is downloadable from that site.) Editor Bruce Sidebotham has done a great job assembling some very challenging information on this needy land.
- TESOL SCHOOL IN HAWAII — The University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii, has their next TESOL Course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Feb. 17th to Mar. 28th, 2003. It’s a four week academic curriculum with a two week practicum following immediately. For more information & application forms contact <admissions@uofnkona.edu>.
- WORLD CONVENTION STREAMING VIDEO AVAILABLE — The family of churches known as Christian Churches, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Churches of Christ grew out of an early 19th Century movement with origins in both the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Today there are congregations related to this Christian World Communion in more than 165 countries. Every four years a World Convention is held in a different part of the world. The next will be July 28-August 1, 2004 in Brighton, England, UK. Information is available for any interested parties at http://www.worldconvention.org Ed Dodds
- ENTERTAINING STOCKING STUFFER BOOKS — Want to stuff someone’s stockings with a funny missions book? Try “Siberian Shivers”, a collection of true anecdotes told by Bill Harris, a missionary serving in Russia. Each story is humorously told, then wrapped up with insights of practical use to newcomers to the foreign scene, whether or not they are headed for cold climates. Or ask for “The Great Siberian Rail Adventure,” the story of the Harris family’s journey by car, ship, and rail across Russia. You’ll find a dragon, an axe-wielding conductor, a supersonic clothes washer, and a van with a death wish! Combine good humor with cultural insights. Order either one for $8 each by writing to <sleepydick@bigfoot.com>.
- RESCUE AND RESTORING STREETCHILDREN (BRASIL) — A Rescue And Restore Training Course (Children In Need) is being staged by Youth With A Mission and The University Of The Nations, in Camaragibe-Recife, Brazil (April 7th – June 27th). It consists of 3 months of theoretical teaching and then 2 months practical. Held in both English and Portuguese, it will cover the Biblical basis, inner healing, working with adolescents, discipline, planning and tons more. The goal is to train Christians, giving them tools for more effective work among families in need, while simultaneously helping the work in Recife. For more info write <jocum@nlink.com.br> or log on (in Portuguese) at: http://www.recife.jocum.org.br jocum@nlink.com.br>
- PRACTICAL MISSIONS HELP FOR YOUR CHURCH — “Stuff You Need to Know about Doing Missions in Your Church” is a 90-page encyclopedia-on- diskette of one-page lists, outlines, forms, and resources covering everything from Bible Verses on Missions to Missions Pastor Job Descriptions. A second volume which includes entirely different information, “More Stuff You Need to Know,” is also available. To see sample pages, go to http://www.davidmays.org , click on “book notes” and scroll down. To purchase either diskette, send $12 in U.S. funds (includes shipping and handling) to ACMC, Box 221, Brownsburg, IN 46112, USA. Request “Stuff” or “More Stuff” and include your shipping address.
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