"Let's refresh the world with His love."

1) Valeo Executive Director Search
Valeo is currently seeking an Executive Director. This key role is a salaried position responsible for fundraising and overseeing strategic direction. They are seeking a professional with strong leadership skills, a proven track record in organizational management and fundraising, and a commitment to Valeo’s mission and vision. View the full announcement at this link: https://www.valeo.global/job-opp. read more…

2) Training in Formational Debriefing
What if you could offer debriefing to missionaries in a way that furthered their spiritual formation? What if you could learn how to shepherd their hearts toward the Lover of their souls? Check out Paracletos, an organization dedicated to supporting missionaries by offering debriefing and spiritual formation services. Registration is now open for their April training event. Go to this link for more information: http://www.paracletos.org.

3) Free Lecture: China’s Earliest Christians
The event titled “China’s Earliest Christians: Who Were They and What Can We Learn from Them?” is a free lecture taking place at Nazareth Hall, University of Northwestern – St. Paul, on March 20, 2025. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Glen Thompson, a Professor Emeritus at Asia Lutheran Seminary in Hong Kong. Dr. Thompson will discuss the discovery of a great stone stele near modern-day Xi’an in 1625, which revealed the presence of Christians in Tang Dynasty China during the 700s. This lecture aims to explore the beliefs and contributions of these early Christians and how their story can inspire the modern church in China. The event will start with light refreshments at 6:15 PM, followed by the lecture and a Q&A session at 7:00 PM. Although there will be no live stream, registrants will receive a link to the recording. To sign up go to this link: https://www.signupforms.com/registrations/40343. read more…

4) Free Intro to Coaching Workshop
Join Dr. Keith Webb, PCC, and Rachel Johnson, PCC, for a complimentary 60-minute Intro to Coaching workshop. This session is perfect for ministry leaders, parents, and helpers who want to learn essential coaching skills. You’ll experience live demonstrations, practice core techniques, and discover the effectiveness of coaching. Don’t miss this live Zoom session—register now at this link https://workshop.creativeresultsmanagement.com/intro-registration. read more…

5) Reflective Hiking Adventure on the Camino
Are you facing a life transition, feeling stuck, or close to burnout? How about a week-long group pilgrimage. There is space available for the Aug 2025 Men’s Camino and Sept 2025 Couple’s Camino with reduced rates for cross-cultural workers. Visit https://www.thewaybetween.org for more info. read more…

6) Counseling and Care Retreats
When missionaries face hard challenges, they often don’t know where to go for help. It’s not uncommon to feel exhausted, weary and burnt out. Alongside provides counseling and care retreats for missionaries and their families so they can continue living out their calling with passion and hope. For upcoming dates: https://www.alongsidecares.net/our-programs/upcoming-dates/. read more…

7) Curriculum for Kids
Last week we asked Brigada readers about curriculum for kids (https://brigada.org/2025/02/23_42436). Thank you for commenting! Readers mentioned:
- https://www.onemissionkids.org/ (Thank you, Paul).
- The Brinkman Adventures audio series with curriculum to go along with season 1. It is dramatized versions of real missionary stories around the world. https://brinkmanadventures.com/curriculum-store (Thank you, KC).
- Anglican Frontier Missions has a really good missions curriculum for kids. Go to anglicanfrontiers.com or email info@afm-us.org (Thank you, Dorothy and Paul).
- https://www.christianschoolresources.com and http://childrensoutreachresources.com/ (Thank you, Brian).
What do you use? Let’s raise up children to obey the Great Commission. Please comment! read more…

8) Weekly Roundup with Justin Long
Have you subscribed to the Weekly Roundup and/or the 7 Days of Prayer by Justin Long at https://justinlong.org/? These two weekly updates are a superb way to stay focused on unreached peoples. The free Weekly Roundup is a collection of 70+ links to events that occurred this week and impacted the unreached. It’s published every Friday. The 7 Days of Prayer is a Sunday prayer guide, with 7 prayer requests (1 per day) distilled from this week’s Roundup. (Thank you, Kelly and Michele, for the reminder). Justin serves as the “movements” tracker for 24:14. His research is viewed as some of the best stuff available for tracking church-planting movements (CPM) worldwide. Along the way, he’s become a superb researcher in all areas Christianity-focused. A+++ read more…

9) We’re Grateful for…
…the $50 gift from partners who care about unreached peoples. Thank you! Thanks, too, for the recurring gift of $20 from a great friend of Brigada who has a heart for the missional information community. And thanks to the true fan of Brigada who gave $103.48 in support of helping cross-cultural Great Commission workers to become and remain healthy emotionally, morally, mentally and socially. God bless you. Want to stand with these partners in expanding the reach of Brigada? If so, just browse to https://brigada.org/empower-brigada and click Donate. God bless you! read more…

10) Hotel Booking Sites
Have you ever used Trivago to book your hotel accommodations (https://www.trivago.com/)? We did a quick search and found that the prices didn’t seem any cheaper than other sites, but we might be mistaken. What do you use to book your hotel stays? Please comment.
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