And there are a ton of resources out there. So check ’em out…
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I haven’t seen this in person, nor had Keith, who recommended it to us, but we know the series:
This is older and useful.
To comment or mention additional resources, check out the link below.
I recommended these books, and they are helpful for a book. For full coaching training, there’s nothing like in-person training that’s created for people in cross-cultural ministry. We offer that. And we have a flexible training license to support in-house training.
Read and use this book. This has proved extremely valuable to myself and the two other Christian businessmen I went through the book with. It differentiates between advice-giving v. equipping people to self-discover goals and solutions. We find ourselves using principles in the book regularly as we interact with people of all kinds.
The book: Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach by Tony Stoltzfus
Books by Tony Stolzfus and training provided by CMI( Coaching Mission International) is a great organization training program.
I agree with Keith’s tip on taking an in person or teleseminar (via phone) training. So much of coaching must be CAUGHT and not just learned from a book. Having time to role play, get feedback and correction on techniques helps one avoid developing or carrying over bad habits. A special challenge to those of us from ministry background is that we are taught to provide answers and direction and that is the exact opposite of good coaching technique. I strongly recommend taking a good International Coach Federation recognized coach training to get well grounded in the basics of coaching.
Keith is an excellent facilitator on coaching, I recommend him to all.