Suppose an effective missional site is featured in a major print publication. Is there a way to relay or syndicate favorable press in the Christian world? …something like an “AP” newswire? For example, Pray4Tunisia has recently grown from a few dozen prayer partners to over 15,000 daily, engaged participants. They were recently featured in articles such as …
So … how could the service’s organizers leverage these favorable mentions among other Christian magazines, ministries, TV channels, etc.? Is there a Christian “AP”?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
We have found that an effective and active social media strategy is useful in getting out your news to a wide audience. Posting captivating status updates and links on social media profiles which are connected to as many other Christian media sources as you can find benefits you and them.
An Australian photo-journalist, Ramon Williams, has for many years had an effective media agency such as you describe. He operates as Worldwide Media Ltd at and has connected effectively with the secilar press, as well as the Christian media.