If Lausanne’s recent Status of the Great Commission booklet (and the L4 conference in Seoul a couple of weeks ago) gave us a published statistic that only the USA currently sends more missionaries than Brazil, then last week’s International Conference on Missions: Brazil (ICOM: Brazil) certainly gave us the passionate reality of it. When ICOM Brazil asked me (Doug) to fly down and preach at a couple of main sessions and a workshop, I wondered, “Will anybody really come to this?” Boy, was I pleasantly encouraged. The crowds were passionate, the workshops were filled with eager-to-serve workers, and the future of missionaries from Brazil seemed even more encouraging than I had ever imagined. This is a *great* time to keep praying Matthew 9:35-38 for the sake of multiple sending nations. Have you seen an uptick in missionary-sending vision in the nation where you serve or visit? If so, please click comment and let us know so we can rejoice with you as well.