News and Notes about Brigada, Your Gateway to Missions Networking!
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In this issue….



You’re one of 599 participants in Brigada’s top level network (which sent this Brigada Today)! (Would you be able to find just one more person to subscribe, so we’ll hit 600???) To get a list of Brigada’s whole family of dozens of conferences, send a message to with only the following word in the text of the message:

Each conference is a separate family, to be joined individually, if you want to exchange mail with that conference.



Three NEW frontier missions resources available from WorldChristian News&Books (at discount prices):
  1. STRONGHOLDS OF THE 10/40 WINDOW (regular price: U.S. $12.99) (Intercessor’s guide to the world’s least evangelized nations, edited by George Otis, Jr.) Discount price: $9.74
  2. The CHALLENGE OF OUR UNFINISHED TASK * (regular price: U.S. $14.95) (New unreached peoples mobilization VIDEO; produced by Procla-Media Productions) Discount price: $10.00
  3. PRAYING THROUGH THE 100 GATEWAY CITIES (regular price: U.S. $8.99) (articles and city profiles on 10/40 Window’s major cities and peoples; ed. Peter Wagner and others, for “Praying Through the Window II”) Discount price: $7.19

* This video was commissioned by the “AD2000” movement (the Unreached Peoples Track; with involvement by Patrick Johnstone, John Robb and Luis Bush) and was launched at the AD2000 consultation in S. Korea, in May.
The 11-minute video was shown to the thousands of delegates during a plenary session. The feedback to it was excellent, and evidenced by the fact that several hundred videos were sold right away. Specify video format (PAL or NTSC)!!!!!

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WorldChristian News is a ministry of Youth With A Mission’s International Communications Network



Thanks to John Hanna for making his “Global Glimpses” available to us! Yesterday, he relayed…, “Global Glimpse: Since the Gulf war, 500,000 Bibles and Scripture portions have been imported into Iraq, and Baghdad is allowing limited numbers of Bibles and Christian children’s books to be printed there. Expanding religious freedom in Iraq has allowed the Jesus film to be broadcast in Arabic over Iraqi national television and in Kurdish over northern Iraq television.

(Source: P. 3, July, 95, Intercede, Center for Ministry to Muslims, Springfield, MO, USA)



Thanks to the initiative of some of their respective church leaders, at least two Envision ’96 PACE churches (2 out of 155) are already demonstrating enough initiative to suggest that God is about to do something very wonderful during this project. Over 50 users have already subscribed to find out more about that this initiative. To subscribe, send email to with only the following line in the body of the message:
subscribe brigada-projects-envision96


Are you a map-fanatic??? You need Atlas GIS. You can buy it directly from Global Mapping for $199.95, configured for Windows 3.1. Draws maps for states, countries, regions, … the works. For another $199.95, you can get GMI’s Global Mission Base Map CD, version 1.1. This gives you tons of extra data to play with, including some really cool custom work GMI has done. Atlas isn’t necessarily an easy program to learn, but once we get it going, it’ll be really handy to read in all these data that John Gilbert and GMI and others are preparing. To reach GMI, call (in the USA) 800-569-6312; FAX 719-548-7459. (By the way, they didn’t ask me to mention them, and I don’t get a cut. )


If you’re into Russian (instead of maps ), call (in the USA) 1-800-256-4814 (or fax 714-552-1699) and ask for a catalogue from Smartlink. These guys are great. They can help your computer become a Russian workhorse — typing Russian, reading Russian (via a scanner and optical character recognition software), spell-check Russian, translate Russian (hey — even if it only automates about 50-80% of the process, think of the sheer time that’ll save! !!), and teach Russian. (We don’t get a cut, and they didn’t ask us to advertise them.)


[soapbox mode on] [disclaimer tag on] Keep in mind, we’re still early on in this Envision ’96 thing. So it’s too early to predict with certainty how things are going. [disclaimer tag off] But one thing’s for sure. These church leaders were ready to be challenged. Imagine getting leaders together from 200 churches and asking them to each consider taking responsibility for starting a multiplying church movement in one of the 100 Gateway Cities or some least evangelized people group from the list that Luis Bush and Ron Rowland and others are preparing. I figured we’d be lucky to have five (5) sets of church leaders who would even come to such a luncheon, let alone listen! Instead, we reach our goal of having 200 show up to hear the presentation! So we ask them to complete a Response sheet and we’re interested in all the commitments we’ve numbered 1-10, but numbers 4 and 6 are key. The exact wording was:

“4) Commit — It is my personal vision to see our congregation commit to planting a vibrant new church in a “piece of least reached world.” We want to help with a “piece of the wall!” As God gives me strength, I commit to allowing His power to work within me to bring this to reality.” and…
“6) Count me in! I’ll do everything I can to help our church decide to join the Envision ’96’s PACE effort!” (PACE is the project name)

Now imagine, again… I figured we’d be super lucky to have 5 sets of leaders say yes… but gang, 3 out of 4 sets of leaders checked either #4 or #6 or both! I mean… wow! WOW! Imagine if each of us went out and dared a congregation… or congregations(!) to tackle this. Now maybe 155 churches won’t end up with an on-site team in 3 years.. Okay. Bring me back to reality. But the intention is there. These churches were ready to be challenged.

I think we’re seeing the Spirit of God move upon our globe. All the prayers have not been in vain. God is moving people to care and respond for the sake of the least evangelized people of the world. Now we need the Sauls and Barnabases who will encourage them onward to pick up the flagpole and raise it high!

[soapbox mode off]

If you’re interested in seeing how idealistic we are with these 155 congregations, check out the brigada-projects-envision96 conference by sending mail to with only the following line in the body of the text:
subscribe brigada-projects-envision96
