“Motus Dei: The Movement of God to Disciple the Nations” is available for pre-order. Releasing October 19. Order here: https://missionbooks.org/products/motus-dei
You’re invited to the virtual book launch on October 20, 9:00-9:45am Central Time US. Register here https://bit.ly/MotusDei to attend and for a chance to win a free hard copy and a discount code for purchases.
Thanks Doug! I did smile when I read your subject line, “Could This Book Explain “Movements” Once and For All?” Of course, we are not trying to do that, but instead to open a multi-year missiological conversation on movements that aims to improve the discourse. This book is only the first step…
I pray that this book’s explanation of Movements of God may accelerate and quicken us on the way to a closer and fuller realization of God’s and our heartbeat’s passion for His global glory among all people groups and cities.