Thanks to Kelly and Michele O’Donnell who wrote this past week to tip us off to the National Geographic’s, “The World’s Congested Human Migration Routes in 5 Maps.” Finally, I think I get it. No wonder the world is topsy-turvy. Every global citizen should read this article and study these maps — then pray. Hard.
Thanks Brigada! More info in the October 2015 Member Care Resource Update.
Migrant Care–Hospitality for Humanity. October 2015. This Update focuses on Migrant Care, with an emphasis on opening up our hearts of hospitality on behalf of the growing numbers of internationally and internally displaced people (forced displacement). We share a wealth of materials including video reports, technical documents, and perspectives in order to further orient and equip our colleagues in the member care and the church-mission/aid community. The relevance for member care in particular is seen in three areas of application: 1. Staying informed as global citizens about current and crucial issues facing humanity. 2. Better understanding the challenges of mission/aid workers who work with people in migration and in unstable settings. 3. Equipping ourselves as member caregivers and mission/aid personnel in order to directly work with migrant populations and related areas.
Am I missing something? where is the link to the maps?
Helen Ernst: They are on Kelly O’Donnell’s site. You need to click on his “reply” above your question. ~~~~NEAL
Yes, I was also wondering what happened to the link.
So sorry. In what could only be described as true Brigada evolution, we’ve now added the missing link.