you reignI love this prayercast video…

Because it shows that, whether in triumph or tragedy, victory of defeat, God is still God. Not that long ago, I had to speak at a missionary retreat about the sovereignty of God. The 300 or so passages that I studied in preparation for that series of talks was life-changing for me. I learned that “God is at work, causing every little detail in my life to come into conformity with His will (Eph. 1:11).” It was transformational for me. I no longer had to worry about life’s decisions. As long as I was seeking his purposes, I just prayed, then acted with the best knowledge I had at my disposal and depended on Him to work out the rest. Using that knowledge, I’ve lived my life straight-up, and God has always won out in the end. Sometimes, I have to be patient (but then, so does He, with me). In the end, He always reigns. So watch the video — and give thanks in all things.