thank you blocksThanks to those who give to help Brigada pays its bills, including our new part-time assistant, Tina. Your funds help get Brigada out the door and onto 7500 computer screens literally all over the globe, many of which are focused on reaching unreached peoples. This week we’re thankful for $319.81 from ISA insurance. Apparently, several people purchased trip cancellation insurance with them (and thank you College Heights!). Learn more about their offerings at…

They provide insurance plans for those who need international health, and travel insurance, as well as those who want to be reimbursed if their travel plans change or are interrupted by anything in any way. I’ve had to collect before — and it works. God bless you ISA!

We’re also thankful for $100 from Mission Network, Mount Vernon, WA. God bless you! and for…
$25 from a Brigada booster in New Castle, CA. God bless you brother! and…
$100 from DELTA Ministries International. DELTA wrote that it “values Brigada and I would like them recognized vs me personally. Keep up the good work Doug and team!” Thanks Delta Ministries!!!