Brigada – 2024-09-01

1) Today: Lausanne Releases Full PDF of “State of the Great Commission Report”

1) Today: Lausanne Releases Full PDF of “State of the Great Commission Report”

Breaking news… today (2 of Sept., as this Brigada is being prepped for distribution), Lausanne has *just* released the full-length PDF (all 516 pages of it!) for completely free comsumption on the web! All you need to do is fill out the form at and – bam – you’ll be sent to a page to download the PDF. [Note: In kindness to the Lausanne Committee (and the 150 authors/contributors who prepared the report), Lausanne kindly asks that we not post the PDF online for immediate download. They want to track the use – and why wouldn’t they. This just might be the most in-depth report on the status of the Great Commission ever produced. So please… let’s be kind and follow their requests, even among our own staff people.] For more on this report, see Item 10 where we go into greater detail. read more…

2) September Full Scholarships for Arabic filmmakers

2) September Full Scholarships for Arabic filmmakers

We’ve just heard from the folks at Create that the First 2 courses of their “Frontier Filmmaking Seminar Online” in September are free in English or Arabic. All Arab trainees who complete the first two Arabic courses by 30 September qualify for a full scholarship for the entire 9-week course. See the English version at or the Arabic at

3) Get Equipped to Teach English

3) Get Equipped to Teach English

Are you or someone you know teaching English as a platform for ministry or outreach? If you have no training, the folks at the Asean Center for TESOL would love to train you so you can do an excellent job for the kingdom. Check out their online TESOL training. It’s only 12 weeks long. It’s designed for the working person so you can complete your assignments during hours convenient for you.

6) O’Donnells Publishing a New Member Care Book [updated]

6) O’Donnells Publishing a New Member Care Book [updated]

Kelly O’Donnell & Michele Lewis O’Donnell have spent much of the last year editing a new member care book called, Global Member Care: Stories and Strategies for Staying on Course. It will be released on September 24. They’ve been kind enough to provide Brigada readers with a discount code — but it will only work until the 24th. To order, just click to and use the code, PREGLOBAL25 [edited on 9/4: Kelly was sorry to say that he included the exclamation mark by mistake, so we’ve removed it here; please pardon the inconvenience.]. This collaborative book features 20 chapters full of stories, strategies, reflections, and resources from member care and mission colleagues around the world. The 43 authors and nine consulting editors provide a distinctive, directional platform to listen to and learn from our field’s global voices as we reflect on good member care practice in the context of challenging global issues, inspired by the vision to see member care develop globally—for all peoples and from all peoples. read more…

9) We’re Grateful for…

9) We’re Grateful for…

…the $50 gift from The Mission Network, which gives to Jesus Christ to empower Kingdom initiatives for the sake of unreached peoples.
…the $51.99 donation from a long-time Brigada participant.
…the $25 gift from a great friend and trusted leader. Thank you! God bless you!
Want to stand with these partners in expanding the reach of Brigada? If so, just browse to and click Donate. God bless you! read more…

10) Lausanne’s “The State of the Great Commission:” Finally in PDF Format

10) Lausanne’s “The State of the Great Commission:” Finally in PDF Format

Lausanne had hyped their “State of the Great Commission” report as a really big deal. So when April 23 came, I was pumped. But I’ll admit that it felt a little underwhelming to have to click from one web page to another to navigate through all the topics. And then came September 2nd (yesterday, as this Brigada ships). Finally, we have the coffee-table version for which we had always longed. In fact, it’s way *beyond* a coffee-table version — at 516 pages! Full color, tons of charts and graphs, zillions of updates on stats and themes, unreached peoples updates, 150 contributors, and *lots* of fresh views of the Great Commission. But best of all, it’s finally a *book*!!!!! Yay! Thank you Lausanne. Download your copy for free today by starting at So… identify the gaps, inspire collaboration, and challenge the global church. It will soon be available in six languages. They could easily have asked $60 for this. But instead, it’s free. Let’s memorize this. read more…

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