And now is that time. If you’ve ever been thankful, … if you’ve ever appreciated an item… if you’ve ever wanted to cheer on the Brigada email, server, or staff, here’s your chance. And it’s so easy: Just click “Donate” (upper right) on any Brigada page and give like you’ve always yearned to give. It’s that easy. So far this year, participants like you have pitched in $4,460. Our annual budget each year (which pays for a dedicated and fire-walled Brigada server at GoDaddy managed 24/7 by GoDaddy staff, along with a part-time writer/assistant, and Amazon SES email for the thousands who receive Brigada each week) is exactly $17,000 – and not a penny more. It’s been that same amount now for the past 15 years and we’ve never raised the budget in spite of increasing expenses. Since $4,460 has already come in, that leaves exactly $12,540 to go — meaning that if only 126 people pitched in $100 this week, we’d be done. We wouldn’t have to ask for any money again until the first week of November, 2025. Will you help with just *one* of those 125 shares of the Brigada revitalization? Remember, you can browse to and click Donate. God bless you!