Lausanne had hyped their “State of the Great Commission” report as a really big deal. So when April 23 came, I was pumped. But I’ll admit that it felt a little underwhelming to have to click from one web page to another to navigate through all the topics. And then came September 2nd (yesterday, as this Brigada ships). Finally, we have the coffee-table version for which we had always longed. In fact, it’s way *beyond* a coffee-table version — at 516 pages! Full color, tons of charts and graphs, zillions of updates on stats and themes, unreached peoples updates, 150 contributors, and *lots* of fresh views of the Great Commission. But best of all, it’s finally a *book*!!!!! Yay! Thank you Lausanne. Download your copy for free today by starting at So… identify the gaps, inspire collaboration, and challenge the global church. It will soon be available in six languages. They could easily have asked $60 for this. But instead, it’s free. Let’s memorize this.