By now, we’ve all heard how hard it is to launch disciple-making movements (DMMs) in North America. That’s why, when we see glimmers of hope on the horizon, we celebrate what God is doing all the more. MultiplyUs is an ongoing series of online events designed to “bubble up” instances that should serve to encourage us not to give up. This Saturday, April 6, 10am to noon ET, and 24:14 is partnering to present “MultiplyUs 13.” This online conference will feature a young movement spawning from Kansas City that has already mushroomed to include 100+ new groups in less than 2 years! Sign up at or After the initial interviews, those who participate ‘live’ will have the chance to interact in breakout rooms with members of all ages from the actual movement. (Even if you can’t attend live, those who sign up for the event will at least receive a link to watch the initial interviews.) MultiplyUs 13 will be co-hosted by Doug Lucas (Co-Editor of Brigada and President of Team Expansion) and Shawn Walden (Evangelism Pastor at Shepherd Church in Porter Ranch [in Greater Los Angeles], CA).
1) A DMM From One Young Man to 100 New Groups in Two Years (in Kansas!)

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