In the spirit of “one beggar telling another where to find bread” (a local church which is being renewed through Disciple-making Movement (DMM) strategies and life practices), check out this church’s approach at casting vision and multiplying groups. The lead discipleship trainer and vision-caster there confessed openly, “it’s not about the tools or the strategy, as much as it is a move from the Lord, but I just wanted you to have it in case it was helpful in showing other churches. We have about 45 groups that are multi-generational so far. It’s really not our system. But the Holy Spirit is doing what only He can do. We’re just trying to make space for Him! I don’t want us a to rely on a system, but our systems have to make us rely on the Lord.” and Note that they are relying heavily on Zume — and the work of a Team Expansion worker who has partnered with them. (God bless you Grant for allowing God’s work to help inspire others!)
10) Bring Your Church Alive With Disciple Making

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