Each year, Missio Nexus stages an annual conference for mission and church leaders. This year’s event, “Shift,” just wrapped up in Orlando this past week. By all measurements, it was a huge success. Over 1150 people took part. The conference examined profound themes (as it always does) that impact workers all over the world. It drew leaders from hundreds of organizations, along with exhibitors that featured fantastic services and products. If you took part in Missio Nexus this past week, what was a highlight for you? What “take home” meant a lot in your world? Examples: a) The conference helped organizations delve into changing issues like shifts in gender identification, “cultural convulsions” common to all of us, the impact of digital church membership, race and critical race theory, the state of the church worldwide, and more. You can still buy an online Virtual Pass and watch sessions by clicking to https://missionexus.org/streaming-now-join-shift/.