“Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6. A friend of Brigada is looking for Great Commission curriculum for the younger age. Do you have any recommendations? Please comment!
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I don’t know if it would qualify as curriculum, but I publish (with World Team) a small quarterly mini-mag called Great Commission Kids. (GC Kids) Each issue features a geographic area or ethnic group, or a type of missionary outreach, or a missionary biography, or other main feature, along with puzzles, coloring, etc. based on the story plus pencil work related to a Great Commission Bible verse or passage.
I just taught a Biblical Worldview class to 3-6th graders and 8th/9th graders in our homeschool co-op. I searched hi/lo for a curriculum and came across “Window on the World” put out by Operation World which helped. Also “Around the World in 180 days” which is more focused on Geography. I eventually made my own curriculum to bring the Great Commission, Biblical Perspectives, and Geography together.
If you find a curriculum that covers this, I’d like to know!
Weave now Via Families has some great resources. The Big Story Series may be helpful for children and Parenting w a Global Vision for parents.
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Outside the Lines is published and sold through Pioneers. A great program for kids of any age
PIONEERS has put together this great video set that explains THUMB – Tribal, Hinduism, Unbelief, Muslum, Buddhist. Narrated by kids but great for adults, too! https://pioneers.org/worldviews-a-childrens-introduction-to-missions
The link also has free curriculum downloads that explain worldview.
ViaNations.org carries the Outside the Lines curriculum. A solid program for kids of any age that utilizes DVDs for curriculum downloads and videos to support educators and young learners. A great program for kids of any age.
Kit contains 2 multimedia DVDs and four CDs – one for each grade level: K-1, 2-3, 4-5, and 6-8. All the lessons and activities are printable from the CDs,
This link also has a large selection of other curriculum and learning resources for families with children
Apologies – I meant to delete that first line from my last post. Pioneers no longer carries Outside The Lines; it is now carried by ViaNations as stated in the post.
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