Here’s the deal: It doesn’t matter whether we own our vehicle personally, or whether we drive a company (organization-owned) vehicle. Either way, aren’t we really required to keep track of our mileage? We know this. It’s the law. But how many of us just wait until we have to come up with a figure for taxes and guess. So we never know for sure if we’re cheating ourselves or the org. So this year, I (Doug) would like to do better. I’ve installed Everlance. Now if I can just learn how to use it. Learn more at Do you use a different app? Please click comment and tell us why. What do you like about it? The advantage of an app like Everlance is – it tracks your trips then asks you what was the purpose. And what’s more, Everlance promises that they never sell the data to anyone. (Can we trust them? haha) And they have a free plan! Check it out. Maybe next January, we’ll all be ready.