Marianne is asking, “I was just wondering if you know of any apps out there for either for missions mobilization (i.e. creating missions awareness about roles in mission, God’s heart for the nations, etc) or for missions equipping?” Do you know of any? Please comment. Thank you!
5) Mission Mobilization Apps, Anyone?

Hi Marianne,
I recommend the Joshua Project Unreached People Group of the Day app to impart God’s heart for the world and to receive the Big Picture of Unfinished yet finishable task, for the many, many precious UUPGs (Unengaged Unreached People Groups) and UPGs (Unreached People Groups) that are scattered across the face of God’s beautiful earth.
The app is called “Unreached of the Day”
Here’s another Jim giving you the same recommendation. lets you research UPGs and is an excellent tool for equipping your church.
Hi Jim,
Thank you s very much for your reply. I’m sorry for my delayed response. We’ve had a number of health crises in the past few weeks.
Yes, I’m aware of those apps you mentioned. I am more looking for some kind of base level awareness training (God’s s heart/biblical basis for missions, task remaining, THUMB, 5 roles: go, send, pray, welcome, mobilize), like a skeleton of Kairos or something that people can go through…
Not an app but a great resource. On the home page is a statistics page that is a great summary. But reading through the resources may be a good starter. Also contact the Traveling Team and find a regional contact that may be helpful in getting the resource you want. Good luck