What makes for a great team, in your opinion? This past week, I (Doug) was reflecting on this question. We had just shared in a rapid flurry of communications exchanges with another leader in our org. Within 3 or 4 short minutes, we had brainstormed, planned, designed, and launched an entirely new emphasis. It all seemed so easy, so quick, and so effective. This stands in stark contrast to some of the horror stories we have heard in the business world regarding endless meetings that seem to move at a snail’s pace in which no one will take responsibility for decisions or action steps. In other cases, leaders feel criticized whenever they try something new and it fails. As I reflected, I realized that I was in the middle of something magical. I didn’t exactly understand how it had developed, but I longed to see it replicated for others as well. So, in your opinion, what makes for a great mission team? How would YOU prescribe that teams should create that culture of effective communication and action. One conclusion we drew this past week was that we are learning simply to plan the best we can, build in as much excellence as possible, but – soon and very soon — get something done. It almost sounds too simple. But that seemed to be the strategy we had internalized. What works best in your teams? How would YOU coach a young organization wanting to excel? What works best for your agency? Please click “Read more and comment.” Thanks!
10) Plan, Design, Implement – and Get Something Done

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