What if you knew that — throughout all of 2019, friends of Brigada had kicked in a tremendous total of $13,746… which is super-awesome… but just $3253 short of the annual operating budget of $17,000? This $17K provides the costs for the website – which is being totally refreshed these days, by the way, including servers, search engines, security licenses, spam preventive measures, the costs of the weekly email sending service (this item alone is $2100 per year), a part-time assistant, and more. What if you had waited, just to see what others would do, and then you realized… Yikes… there are only two more weeks to make up this last mile? What if you realized, “Wow… my peers have kicked in $13K and I haven’t chipped in a dime?” What if you knew that this person in Thailand gave $12. Twelve dollars. For an entire year’s worth of weekly missions mobilization, information, trends, and more. What if Brigada did nothing more than remind and wake up a world (fast falling asleep) that it *matters* that we finish the task? What if you dedicated your gift to helping that person in Thailand receive just one more edition of Brigada? Would you chip in $12 like this friend in Thailand did? Would you become a “True Fan” of Brigada by contributing $100? If just 32 people were able to make an offering to Jesus of $100, we’d be done — and we wouldn’t say another word about operating costs for an entire year. All you have to do is click to www.Brigada.org and fill in a 2-minute form. Skip a few cups of coffee. Say, to the world, that reaching the world matters. Thank you for considering Brigada in your year-end generosity. God bless you.