The New York Times recently featured an article which said, “Lack of access to eye care prevents billions of people around the world from achieving their potential, and is a major barrier to economic and human progress. (The New York Times, A Simple Way To Improve A Billion Lives: Eyeglasses. May 5, 2018.) You can change that by adding reading glasses to your mission/program. Note that there is no medical training nor equipment required. RestoringVision provides everything you need and their glasses are non-prescription.) Also, the whole program can be added with minimal cost. They offer glasses at the nominal fee of 50 cents per pair. Organizers maintain that this is a great outreach tool. They have stated that reading glasses will bring hundreds of people your mission or program may not otherwise touch. Plus you’ll be helping people immediately restore their vision and lives. To learn more, visit


(Thanks for the tip, Allan!)