Can you remember when there were approximately 100? (I remember. David Garrison was talking about 100 as recently as the mid-2000’s.)
Can you remember when there were 700? (I remember. Jerry Trousdale was writing about 700 as recently as 2015.)
How many movements do you think there are today? You might be surprised. Verified by researchers whom I (Doug) know and trust implicitly, the numbers don’t lie. There are currently:
– 3293 known CPM Engagements, – 1006 CPMs (Stage 5 multiple streams of 4+ gen churches), – 73.0 million believers in all CPM engagements, – 4.3 million known churches in all CPM engagements, – An average of 72K believers per CPM, – An average of 17 believers per church in CPMs worldwide.
Source: A Private phone call for those tracking and multiplying movements affiliated with 24:14.
Thank you Lord for this amazing progress. Please — fire into flames the gifts of those who are following you to help these movements!!!
What does “Stage 5” mean?