If you were going to go to North Africa and start a legitimate, real-deal institute for teaching English as a second language, what curriculum would you use? The couple who is asking already has a true Celta certificate. (Learn more about the Celta certificate here:
www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/teaching-qualifications/celta/ )
Are there packages of these deals? Or does one have to assemble them from scratch? Surely not.
Literacy and Evangelism has a curriculum and teaching resources that have been used for years all around the world. https://www.literacyevangelism.org/
Literacy and Evangelism has a curriculum and teaching resources that have been used for years all around the world.
Major publishers of graded materials are: Cambridge Press, Oxford Press, Pearson,
National Geographic https://eltngl.com/search/showresults.do?N=200+4294892255+4294918556
I would recommend these books for preparation:
Dormer, J. E. (2011). Teaching English in missions: Effectiveness and integrity. Pasadena,
CA: William Carey Library.
Purgason, K. B. (2016). Professional guidelines for Christian English teachers. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Snow, D. B. (2001). English teaching as mission: An applied theology. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press.
These sites were working a year ago; I haven’t checked them recently:
Learning of Jesus: 12 Lessons for TESOL
PowerPoint for Learning of Jesus
English for Life
More sites:
Dr. Kitty Purgason (TESOL Professor at Biola) http://tesolresourcesfromkitty2.pbworks.com/w/page/20606620/FrontPage
Biola Communicating Values through TESOL Class Wiki: http://tesolandvalues.pbworks.com/w/page/20605400/FrontPage
YWAM Montana (7 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH OVERSEAS https://ywammontana.org/resources-for-teaching-english-overseas/