Year: 2018

2018/02/04 — Brigada Today

Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion Brigada online has more graphics and links at In this issue… 1) Conference Just for Church Mobilizers 2) Got the Brigada App? 3) Is The...

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1) Conference Just for Church Mobilizers

Catalyst Services’ biannual Interchange Conference is designed specifically for church missions leaders and mission agency staff who help mobilize churches. Their next event is called “Ready!” and is slated for...

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2) Got the Brigada App?

Don’t forget — you can now enjoy Brigada (and 23 years of archived editions) on your phone, iPad, or mobile device. Just go to the place where you get apps for your phone and search for Brigada. Thank the Lord,...

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4) SYIS Online Courses

The Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills workshop is now available as a series of four online courses. SYIS Online is ideal for any Christ follower who wishes to become more effective and loving in their relationships with...

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5) Is Anyone Listening to Your Story?

Now you can understand the importance, and urgency, of story for ministry effectiveness. Learn how story applies to reaching and teaching people for Christ. Mission Media U is offering its five-week online mentored experience...

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6) Figure Out 24:14 in 13 Minutes Flat

Still wondering what 24:14 is? In 13 minutes flat, you can get the entire big picture by tuning in to this video update from Steve Smith, one of the ringleaders of the network. It’s worth watching. You can also learn more...

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