We’re trying to learn more about writers whose books influenced outreach to a nation. Can you think of one? Imagine… someone coming from a place in which Christ was little known. Imagine a testimony or appeal from a cultural insider who then accepted Christ and then wrote about it. What kinds of themes would he follow? How would he unwrap his testimony? Based on your response, we will try to give guidance to a new believer from a land going through very hard times. We’d love to find a model that would give this Christ-follower help and hope. If you know of one, just click Comment following the web or app version of this item. Thanks for any input you might offer.
Nabel Quireshi was a cultural insider who has influenced many to reach out to the Muslim world, through his books.
Totally agree with you, Fawn. Love his books, they’re amazing…although the writing is quite erudite and I had to explain half a dozen words per page when my Iranian friend and I read “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” last year.
I am not sure exactly what you are looking for. Have you considered: The Man from Gadara?
True. In regards to specific nations I think that there a not many “cultural insiders” who have written books about their own nation which have then stimulated outreach. Rather there are some biographies and autobiographies that can be helpful to that end…..
It would have been helpful to know the cultural/religious background of the new believer in question.
I was born and raised as a Hindu and hoped to become a Hindu leader in the country of Guyana. But God drew me to himself when I was 13.
I have spent more than 25 years sharing the Good News with Hindus and others in many parts of the world.
I’ve just completed Doctor of Ministry degree; the title of my thesis is, “Contextualization Of The Christian Faith In Guyana: Using Indian Music As An Expression Of Hindu Culture In Mission.”
Though my thesis is far from being a ‘model’ for the new believer, I feel that this document could be tremendously helpful to missionaries and pastors working with various cultural groups. I hope to be able to put the thesis in a simpler readable piece in the form of a book.
One helpful book might be “At the Master’s Feet: Including The Visions of Sadhu Sundar Singh” (about a Sikh convert in the early 19th Century). See also “Living Water And Indian Bowl: An Analysis Of Christian Failings In Communicating Christ To Hindus, With Suggestions Toward Improvements”
by Swami Dayanand Bharati
Esteemed new believer:
If you have not written a book before and don’t know where to start, the best advice I can give you is to find a good ghost writer (or co-author). Someone with a track record. Someone who can sit down with you and hear your story from all angles, listen long, ask many clarifying questions, and get a sense of your “voice”. Someone who can envision how to structure your story in a way that would produce both a compelling narrative and a handbook chock full of actionable insights.
God bless you in your search! I agree with Doug: Powerful stories, well told, can change the world.
Hello Jane,
Thank you for taking time to write and give these hints/guidelines. This is very helpful.
T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution: The Story Behind the World’s Fastest Growing Church Planting Movement and How it Can Happen in Your Community! by Ying Kai and Steve Smith
at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/T4T-Discipleship-Re-Revolution-Planting-Community/dp/0974756210
Staggering numbers (millions) of new believers baptised and churches planted in a closed country of Asia.
Anyone interested in church planting, evangelism or discipleship should read this book.