By the way, regarding the book above (in item 1), the publisher informed us yesterday that when you buy books in quantity, you often have added work and expense to re-ship individual books to friends at a distance. Even with Media Mail this can nearly double the cost. However, our friend at the publisher, Robby, has found a way to ship ANY number of books to U.S. street addresses as cheaply as by the case (just a bit more slowly). Thus this offer of Stubborn Perseverance includes shipping individual books to your contacts for free! (No information can be included with the books with this shipping method, so you’ll still have to let your friends know to expect their book.) Also, note that this applies to U.S. street addresses only. So sorry — no Post office boxes. Cases (30 or so) should arrive before Christmas. Smaller quantities (including individual copies) should arrive by mid January. Reserve your copies now at…