In honor of the Jerusalem Jubilee, documentary filmmaker David Kiern is releasing “I Am Israel” for free to any church or small group.
“I Am Israel” is an epic film which takes Believers on a cinematic journey through the Land of the Bible. Now screening in over 1000 churches on six continents. To preview the film for your church, Sunday School class, or small group Bible study, visit
Wow — we’re watching it right now and it is INCREDIBLY well-produced.
It would be a blessing if the churches and small groups that book this, would also reach out to the Christians of Israel–Jewish Christians and Arab Christians–who are laboring for the Kingdom, to make disciples and share the love and grace of the Gospel in the land where it was born. These brothers and sisters are too often ‘invisible’ to the western church, and both sides suffer as a result. The Joshua Fund is doing great things working through the Jewish Christians. The Christian HolyLand Foundation is working though local Arab pastors in the Galilee. Just two of the ministries that could help tell you the stories of today’s struggling Believers in the Messiah.