Pretty much like this…

This is Pray4Tunisia’s extension into the remaining unengaged unreached peoples of their land. (Recall that Unreached peoples are those in which the church is not yet strong enough to reach that people group on its own, usually calculated at some arbitrary baseline — like 2% evangelical Christian, with the spiritual ‘context’ because less than 5% of Christendom. An unENGAGED unreached people group is even MORE desperately in need. “Unengaged” means that practically no one [fewer than, say, 1 outreach person for every 50,000 inhabitants) is there with the message of the Good News of Jesus. So “Unreached” speaks more about response. “Unengaged” speaks more about engagement.) When the Pray4Tunisia network began focusing on the 10 or so remaining unengaged people groups in their land, it meant applying for a $30K grant to cover the cost of researching these groups, producing videos and profiles about them, and mobilizing prayer and outreach for them over the long haul. Now they’ve shown us a virtual ‘template’ for how to care… how to engage. And this past week, a worker from Southeast Asia took a look at their pattern and said, “We need to do this in our land too!” May it be so.

Please pray for the unengaged peoples of SE Asia AND the unengaged of Tunisia. Learn more at’
