You know, it seems that a lot of people talk ABOUT spiritual warfare, but a lot FEWER people describe exactly how to DO it. Dean Trune recently spoke at a Prayer Weekend at Emerald Hills. His session is available via the More Disciples podcast here (for free)…
Seems like there would be TONS written and explained about this. But these days, is it just my imagination, or has talk about spiritual warfare kind of waned a bit from the 80’s and 90’s when it was so popular. Can you point us to some great sources to follow up on Dean’s talk? (If so, please just click “Comment” following the web version of this item.)
You may find my book, “Making Sense of Spiritual Warfare” helpful. In it, I offer a basic understanding of spiritual warfare and challenge much of the “off the wall” (out of the Book) teaching that we hear today. It’s written in a way to be acceptable to most theological streams. Available at:
here is a book I’ve given to people for years on spiritual warfare. It is called Whom Resist by Perryman. I first heard about it at Prairie Bible College at a missions conference; the speaker said, after the Bible, it had the most influence on his Christian walk. There is a free online version at
Emmaus Road International has a book titled, PREPARE FOR BATTLE: Basic Training in Spiritual Warfare. It is excellent entry level training in this arena of ministry. It is also available in Chinese, Russian, Burmese, Arabic, Sinhala, Tamil (and soon, in Spanish and Portuguese). (English also available on Kindle.) It is also available as an 8-hour DVD, with Teacher and student notes. Neal Pirolo is also available for a live seminar format, abbreviated or full eight hours. It is the most sought after seminar when he travels internationally.
Dr. Gerry Breshears has a course at Biblical Training for free:
I would also add the writings of Dr. Clinton Arnold which are the most solid study of these things Biblically that I know of, including 3 Crucial Questions about Spiritual Warfare (, Power and Magic (, and Powers of Darkness (
Here is an article with recommended videos, articles, and books on the topic of fear-power cultures and spiritual warfare.