With at least 7,102 known languages in the world, you might have been curious regarding which language is the most-widely spoken as the mother tongue. Did you assume English? Better check out the infographic at…
Also interesting here: Which language is spoken in the MOST countries? And which language is the SECOND-most spoken in the most countries? And finally, which countries have the MOST languages spoken (in that same country)? All this and more, for free, at the above URL. (Thanks Tim!)
The Hausa language has about 100 million users in Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroun, Benin, Togo
Very nice graphic that presents the data well. Some results are surprising to me and some are very different than when I last looked into this for a Perspectives course almost twenty years ago. It would be fascination to put this graphic together from data taken at yearly intervals and animate it but I doubt that enough of the raw data exists to make that possible.