prayer remixIn this one “Prayer Remix” DVD, you’ll hear 3 talks by Louis Giglio: Who’s Blessing Whom?, Supernature Life Inside, and The Prayer God Always Answers. See it at…

Louis’ main premise: “Bless Me. Be With me. Watch over and protect me. Forgive me. Listen to the way you pray, and to the prayer of those around you, and you’ll hear these four tried and true phrases often- familiar words we’ve probably been saying over and over to God since we first learned how to pray. ReMIXED prayers embrace these four concepts, while moving towards a healthier, God-centered prayer language that saturates our thoughts and words with the phrases, “Let Me Bless You,” “Live Though Me,” and “No Matter What, Use Me.” A subtle shift based on radical truth. Potent prayer for a full life.”

Highly recommended.