t4tSound like alphabet soup? Maybe. But check out the great training guide at…


The intro is worth the read (or at least the scan). What the author has done, really, is take the old time-tested George Patterson approach (the guy in Honduras that we’ve mentioned before.. who wrote the 90-some booklets in an approach he called “theological education and evangelism by extension”) and simplified it into 10 lessons. Then he has emphasized the conversion aspect over and above the simple obedience of God’s word. Further, see how he has documented so carefully all of the steps… down to the nature of the Bible study itself. He has basically given us a script, in a way. Then in the body of the document, the main part, he applies it to Chinese. But at that point, the implementer could substitute his own language. The author says he assumes that the implementer has already been studying the target language for 6 months. Then, we trust, starting from that point, the idea is that this TRT material would be the primary language learning material. It’s genius, actually.

Do you have experience using T4T, TRT or C2C? If so, please click “Comment” after the web version of this item. Thanks in advance for any testimony you can provide as to how it worked or works in your case.