We’ve already been asking about this one in past editions of Brigada. Logos Bible is great, but if you just need something quick, do you end up opening e-Sword LT, BLB, Olive Tree Bible+ Maps, or what? What’s your favorite currently and why? So far, there’s been no clear winner.
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I’ve been using WORDsearch for many years. Although I have Logos on my computer also, for quick searches, I always go to WORDsearch. It may be because I it is the most familiar or because I have the largest library in it, but I’ve found it very helpful.
Pocket Bible by Laridian is better than them all including Logos. Simple to use and very user friendly. Formerly known as QuickVerse, by Parson’s Technology, After Parsons Technology was sold to Intuit in 1994, Laridian was founded & marketed independently in 1998 by former employees of Parsons. Check out the history at http://www.laridian.com/content/about.asp
We use Accordance and it is amazing. Most Bible scholars have same opinion.
I have tried about 7 Bible Apps for each of my Andorid and Windows 8 phones. I am prejudiced toward free versions as that is how I believe the Word of God should be handled as much as possible.
“My Sword” is by far my reigning favorite on the Android. It is very fast and easy to use and read. I believe it is an E-Sword derivative.
No stand outs yet for Windows 8 phone. Unless one is still using an archaic Windows 6.5 phone then Online Bible’w pocket bible was excellent.
On the PC I still prefer Online Bible (which is really a standalone) above most others for the ease of pulling up the comparative windows and host of resources. Its accuracy in its reference works is a matter of integrity in action, but that is a matter that has improved for most major producers.
What is the best Bible App for the MAC that can be used even if you are NOT online?
I agree with Dwight that Pocket Bible is excellent and is improving all the time. With access to so many extra helps it is easy to use,flexible and quick. People have worked to produce this for us and the workman is worth his wages!
I’m with Harold & Ralph. I am a big fan of Laridian’s Pocket Bible. Been using it since Palm Pilot days, and all of my purchased resources have traveled with me free of charge for the past 20 years. I can access all of my resources offline and on my myriad of devices – Windows 8 computer, Windows RT tablet, iPad 2, Android tablets & phone, etc. For devotional reading, I generally go with YouVersion on my mobile devices. I really like being able to listen to the scriptures when I am working out, and the extensive compilation of reading plans, many of which include devotional content, is unparalleled. All that said, Logos is an amazing product. Wish I had the funds to get a copy with a base level of resources.
I have to say that one of my great frustrations with digital scriptures is the lack of transferability (i.e. when you purchase the NIV Study Bible, you are really purchasing it for use only in the particular app that you purchased it through. This is one reason I like Laridian. They are very active in their development and seem to be committed to providing true multi-platform support. I still can’t take my resources and use them in, say, Logos, but at least if I change device platforms, I’m all but certain that Pocket Bible, along with all of my previously purchased books, will be available.
I’ve tried several and ended up with YouVersion.
It has multiple versions – you can even view 2 versions in parallel.
I can find things more quickly.
It doesn’t crash as much.
I can use it offline.
I can highlight.
I can make a list of bookmarks for training events.
Most of all: It’s the one I got used to using! :)