There’s a special get-together for Christian I.T. professionals. It’s called the International Conference for Computing and Missions or ICCM. Jason recently wrote with a decent question: Where do the bookkeepers/accountants go? … and the HR people and conference planners? Surely they have a space or location. If you know of their location, please click “Comment” after the web version of this item, immediately below. (Thanks for the great idea, Greg!)
Missio Nexus has opened forums for different subject matters: Training (moderated by Mark Morgenstern), Member Health (moderated by Brent Lindquist) and Ministry Development of Women (moderated by Wendy Wilson). More are in planning stage. These are open to staff serving with Missio Nexus member organizations only. Check it out at
Additionally, in 2015 the Missio Nexus Mission Leaders Conference will include sessions not only for Executive Leadership and Globally Engaged Churches but also for the Mission Finance/Administration and Personnel tracks. Included will be sessions for financial management, accounting, development, legal, mobilization, training, HR and member care. The conference will take place September 24-26, 2017 in Orlando ( More details will be available in 2015.