In a recent inquiry in Brigada, we asked for additional resources for local churches who were ramping up their involvement in missions. The comments yielded a virtual treasure trove of next step resources. Thanks to all those who took time to respond. Here are a few examples:
Tradecraft, by Crider, McCrary and the Upstream Collective team
Becoming Global by Bruce Dipple (SMBC Press). To order, (VISA & Mastercard accepted), phone Australia +1(02) 9747 4780, or Fax Australia, +1(02) 9747 5053, or mail: SMBC Press, PO Box 83, Croydon NSW 2132, Australia. Cost is A$15 plus postage.
When Missions Shapes the Mission by David Horner (B & H Publishing)
A Task Unfinished By Michael Griffiths (MARC publishing)
Antioch Revisited by Tom Julien (BMH books)
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