phil19We asked recently for your thoughts about favorite Bible studies or courses and we were struck by several resources mentioned in follow-up comments. “Chris” couldn’t say enough good stuff about J.D. Greear’s “The a Gospel According to Jonah.” Charles wrote about the Topical Memory System, published by The Navigators. Michael highlighted Charles Swindoll’s “Hand me another Brick,” adding that “It looks at personal character, hearing God, following God’s call and the list goes on. Good leadership development tool. When I have used it in the past it was hard to find copies but Amazon has it in stock currently.” Mark commented, “Oral learners will appreciate Bible studies that are relational. Let them exegete the study rather than using workbooks or lecture. And have a blast doing it!” He pointed us to a free catalog that includes Spiritual Warfare, Making Disciplemakers, Heroes & Villains, Jesus is Enough, Family Time Devotions, Go Story! (Volunteer training), and many more,” available by writing to . Thanks to all these folks for your input!