Last week, I was asked by a wholistic mission conference (whose meetings take place in the spring) to serve as “Dean” for a key track dealing with “staying focused on discipleship and church planting while instituting wholistic health concerns for a community.” This is a very relevant and deeply interesting topic to me so I’d love to get this right. So my question is, in your opinion, what should be the bullet points for such a track? For example, would you start with the biblical basis for both topics, then transition to the practical “how to” do the two in tandem, then look at a few case studies illustrating when it’s been effective and when it’s not gone so well? How would you structure the outline. I believe we’ll have 7 sessions. To give your input, just click “Comment” below the online version of this item. And thanks in advance for your ideas.
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You need to read Dale Losch’s book, “A Better Way” (available on Amazon as book and on Kindle). Excellent take on instead of focusing all our efforts on planting US kind of churches, how about making disciples and let them “Be” the church!