At this link (below), the Mobile Advance missions resource reports an example of mobile evangelism in a Creative Access Nation, demonstrating that excluding mobiles from our ministry is like trying to walk on one leg.
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An excellent app for sharing the gospel in virtually any language is the 5fish Gospel in Every Language App developed by Global Recordings Network (GRN). It can be used to listen to gospel recordings in over 5,000 languages and share them with others.
Currently available for Android. iPhone app coming soon.
I’m amazed by the fact that there are actually more cell phones in use than people. I personally do much of my work on my smartphone, which is a major shift from just two years ago. We definitely can’t ignore the power there is reaching people via mobile platforms.
The organization I work with, International Students, Inc. (ISI) has recently developed the first ministry app specifically for international students. I’m excited for its potential, and I don’t think we know yet how God is going to use this to reach students before or after they arrive in the U.S. You can check it out here: It’s available for both Apple and Android.