One of our readers works with college students who are preparing for vocational mission service. She is looking for resources to use in a small group setting with these students. What resources or curriculum have you found particularly helpful in preparing students to serve cross-culturally? Please use the comment feature below to share what has worked well for you.
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- Jayapal K 2025/03/04
A great resource I have used in STM trainings and I have given it as a gift for people who want to serve 6 months-1 year is the book On Being a Missionary by Thomas Hale. It is lengthy but I love it because it covers everything for a person serving from a year to a lifetime. It is very honest about the trials missionaries will encounter in the field and he shares some great stories about his own experiences of what it is really like to be a missionary. It could be something that as a group you work through chapter by chapter.
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I like On Being a Missionary also and get good feedback from students on the material. There are many other great ones such as the Perspectives course and Duane Elmer’s books,
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