BAM Journey is a 6-month to 1-year participatory, immersion program that seeks to equip and mobilize people with business backgrounds, education and skills to be part of BAM in the world and East Asia. Participants are full-time language and culture students, then weekly meet together to read, discuss and understand Biblical foundations and BAM principles (reading a series of books). Then roughly every other week the facilitator takes them to visit practitioners here in-country.  Once a semester they go on a longer trip to another province to observe and interact with practitioners.  For each semester the participants interact with 10-15 practitioners. Participants then write up case studies on these visits.

In this manner the participants get a healthy immersion combination of learning a language and culture and then reading, discussing, praying, observing, asking/interacting and writing about all aspects of BAM. The goal is that participants get a real-life view of BAM and discern how they might be part of it all.  To date over a third of the participants have then been placed in working internships and jobs in-country. BAM Journey is now in its third year. A further write-up on this program is available at:

For more information please contact Ben at

(Just a couple of weeks ago, a big fan of BAM Journey sent a $250 gift to Brigada, already reported in a previous issue. We’re deeply grateful!)