Year: 2010

8) Prayer Days And Retreats

Dr. E Davis, Training Consultant for SIL International (partner with Wycliffe Bible Translators), with others assisting, will facilitate Preparing Leaders for Prayer Days and Short Retreats at a U.S. session May 12-21, 2010 at...

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2) Rethinking Hindu Ministry 2

The Rethinking Forum has recently released the second in a series of journals called Rethinking Hindu Ministry. This issue is for those with an interest in contextualization in Hindu contexts and ministry among immigrant Hindus...

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4) Learn to Lead Prayer Days And Retreats

Dr. E Davis, Training Consultant for SIL International (partner with Wycliffe Bible Translators), with others assisting, will facilitate Preparing Leaders for Prayer Days and Short Retreats at a U.S. session May 12-21, 2010 at...

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5) Journey through India

JTI is a two-week exposure trip that will aid those considering cross-cultural service in India as well as those seeking to better understand ministry in Hindu contexts. Contact to learn more about this semi-annual...

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7) Boat-load of Resources in Haitian Creole

Headed to Haiti to change a life? Leave a resource that will keep the wheels turning. Visit the page… Resources in Haitian Creole for a boat-load of resources in Haitian Creole, all provided by Brian W Included are sources...

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