Year: 2010

13) You Can Make Brigada Happen

Through your prayers and gifts, you can make Brigada happen. Just click on one of the “Donor” links at the top of this page. Both are safe, the one with PayPal and the other with one of the most well-known...

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14) It all Adds Up!

Thanks to ISA for sending $16.60 as a follow-up to Brett’s purchase there. (Thanks Brett!) We appreciate you ISA! Learn more about their offerings at… Thanks, too, for the...

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1) WorldMapper Site Continues to Grow

We first profiled them back in 2006 (Apr. 23 edition). But they’ve grown exponentially since then, now with 700 maps and even animations. Over 300 of them can be printed as pdf posters. They’ve even done a book...

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2) Discounted Registration Fee For Elim Retreats

Barnabas International and ELIM Retreat Ministries is pleased to announce a 50% reduction in the registration fee for an ELIM Retreat Ministries. The fee is now $80.00 for a 6 day Retreat! You can’t beat the price or the...

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4) Read a Dissertation on Member Care

Remember that wellness inventory we mentioned? The one based on Dr. Keckler’s wellness research?  Well now, Phil has been providing validity and reliability data to his research on what a well missionary looks like —...

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5) Search for a Director

Christian Academy of Guatemala (CAG) invites you to apply for the position of Director, available as of June 2010. CAG is a K-12 school whose student enrollment of approximately 220 is primarily made up of missionary children....

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