Thanks to the family in California that sent $1000 with this note: “This is intended as a one-time gift to help tide you over during tough economic times, and is because I appreciate the news items in your blog.” Whoa… we appreciate your encouragement and affirmation of this ministry! Thanks, too, for the Canadian who sent $100, with a note, “Have appreciated your information so much. Hope you reach your target – praying for 115 more true fans. Blessings,…” Thanks! Another reader wrote, “Thanks for Brigada, Doug! It’s a wonderful tool for the overall Work and has been a great asset to our organization!” Thanks for sending the $150, brother! We also received $100 from a southern Californian who wrote, “from someone who serves as a communications coordinator with a prayer and support network dedicating to seeing the Good News of God’s love come to this nation (which you can name). Thanks for all the good info in each Brigada Today. I often copy items to Dave or others when I see something I think they would find useful.

Blessings.” It’s a great honor, brother. Thanks again!