Not Doug Birdsall. Not Billy Graham. (OK, granted — Billy Graham came via video. But he still didn’t get a standing ovation.) Not even Os Guinness. Although at least he deserved it. Nope — The standing ovation — a two-minute one — went to a little 18-year-old girl from North Korea. Her mother had died at age 2. Somewhere along the way, the father had become a Christian and, as a result, was imprisoned for two years. When released, they found a way out to South Korea. But over time, the father regretted his decision. He felt a profound burden to go back and tell the people of North Korea about the Good News. Shortly after crossing back over into North Korea, the family heard from him. He’d been captured and imprisoned once again. Imprisoned for his faith. That was the last time they heard from him, when she was 17. She saw the example of faith in her father and also accepted Christ. Now, she’s fairly convinced they’ve killed him. This is an 18-year-old talking. She feels called to study political science, then figure out a way to walk in her father’s footsteps — to bring the Good News to North Korea. I think the audience realized that many 18-year-olds are more worried about sending texts to a boyfriend than they are about changing the legacy of nations. She bowed and walked off. But the audience wouldn’t stop clapping. A stagehand finally escorted her back out. Shyly, looking toward the floor, she gave that Asian bow again, eyes misted, and walked off the stage. I didn’t even get her name. But she rocked the house. I’ve never even taken a single *day* of political science and I’m saying, “Sign me up. What can I do?” :-)
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I’d say….just google “north korean girl cape town lausanne name” and see what people are saying. shew I wanna meet her.
Probably a good thing we don’t know her name.
God not only knows her name but the number of hairs on her head!
so, how do we get to see the video of this? I’ve looked at all the schedule items and don’t see it.
yes, how do we get a copy?
Here’s a link that has her story, name and a picture:,0