I hope you’ve been following some of the discussion in the comments that followed the item at…


Roland wrote, “…We must recognize that not every agency has this [unreached people group priority] focus, and rightly so. For instance, those training church leaders, teaching literacy, or a host of other ministries will have a much wider focus. For those of us who have a specific calling on our lives to Reach the Unreached Now (RUN) we have to accept the fact that our target is always moving. As people groups become ‘reached’ …, our focus changes to groups who are ‘unreached.’ Eventually, we hope to classify the entire world as ‘reached’ and then we will join the host of other organizations who are supporting national churches around the world.” So… what *he* said. :-)

Greg made a helpful and much-needed clarification to my original item, “I agree that the people group paradigm has been a helpful mobilization tool. However, it is more than that. It also helps in setting strategy, focusing prayer, and evaluating progress. Moreover, several biblical references cause us to wonder if God himself sees the world through a people group construct. People group thinking has power and continues to be relevant!”

Danny added, somewhat passionately, “… What is in His [God’s] heart? What does He want reclaimed from Satan? What surrounds His throne (Rev 7:9)? Hey, whether the “numbers” types and the “mercy ministry” types like it or not, we KNOW those multitudes are already in place. We DON’T know about all those ethnic groups. Missions, logically, should be done on that basis. This whole reaching the unreached groups thing is not some fad-like and passing 101 Missions class concept. It speaks to what our Lord’s church is to be doing — getting real about what can only be seen as His last highest priority. Don’t trash or trivialize ANYTHING that can in ANY way aid us in doing what has to be done — done so that we KNOW it is done — and eternity comes that much closer to beginning.”

See the entire article, including my original editorial, then add your own opinion about Unreached People Group thinking, at…
